We believe there are five types of baptism:
Holy Spirit/Fire
Baptism into Christ
Baptism by Water
Each type represents a unique aspect of the believer's journey and commitment. Understanding these types helps us grasp the full meaning and significance of baptism in the Christian faith.
Baptism follows repentance (Matthew 3:6; Acts 2:38) and faith (Acts 2:41; 9:18; 16:15,33; 18:8).
There are several reasons for baptism.
First, it is instructed by Jesus (Matthew 28:19).
Second, it is an act of obedience for disciples (Acts 2:38).
Third, it serves as a testimony of identification with Christ's death and resurrection (Romans 6:3,4). Finally, it is a requirement for church membership (prerequisite #4).
Baptism by immersion, which means to surround or fill as with a sunken ship, is both a definition and a picture of identifying with Christ's death and resurrection.