Here are some

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What time are your Sunday services?


    9:00 am – Coffee & Donuts

    9:15 am – Connect Classes

    10:30 am – Worship

  • What time are your Wednesday services?


    5:30 pm – Midweek Dinner

    6:15 pm –Midweek Bible Study

    The nursery is available for toddlers.

    Bible study formats are available for all ages.

    Dinner is $5 a person, max $15 per family to offset the cost of groceries. Your first visit is complimentary.

  • Do you have services for kids and youth?

    During our service, we provide safe and nurturing nursery classes for all children from toddler-age to 5 years old.

    Your children are welcome to remain in the sanctuary with you; however, should you choose to use our children's ministry services, our greeters can assist you with getting them to their areas.

    Children in kindergarten to 6th grade are invited to attend Children's Church held on the second floor of the Education Building from 10:30 to 12:00.

    Before our regular service, they are all invited to participate in a Connect Class.

    Junior high and high school students meet in the Youth Room, while younger children have Connect Bible study classes on the second floor of the Education Building. Children are separated by grade level.

    Have special needs or diet restrictions? We would be happy to accommodate. Please make our nursery workers aware of any questions, concerns, or special needs you may have, or contact Victoria Bellard

  • How long do services typically last?

    In total, an Open Door service is about one and half hours in length. Services begin with our worship pastor Chap Gary and the worship team leading the church in music - song lyrics are projected onto the screen so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. Feel free to raise your hands in worship.

    After the first song of service is complete, one of our elders or church leaders will come out to pray over the service. Worship will continue then our Pastor will begin his scripture-filled message for the day. At the end, Pastor will invite anyone to come to the front of the church, also known as the altar, to pray or to pray with an altar team member. The service concludes with announcements and a closing prayer.

  • What should I wear?

    Come exactly as you are - don’t dress up or down for anyone.

  • Is your church accessible?

    We have made sure that our building is accessible for people of all different abilities. We have ramps for wheelchairs. There are wheelchair-friendly bathrooms located on both sides of the sanctuary. Just go through the double doors next to the stage.

  • What denomination is the church affiliated with?

    Our beliefs and denominational affiliations are all available in depth on our beliefs page.

  • Can I watch services online if I can’t attend in person?

    Absolutely! If for any reason you can’t make our in-person service, you can always watch it live or watch it back here on our YouTube channel.

  • Can I talk to a pastor?

    If you have any other questions or simply want to talk to a pastor, we’re on the other end of this line and are eager to chat with you.